Gaming is a fun hobby for a lot of people. There has always been a lot of disagreement about which the best console is, and this has caused a divide between a lot of people. However, what people seem to agree with is that there are some online games that are so much better than others. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at what some of the most popular games are right now for online players, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.
Minecraft has been pretty popular for a long time, but dwindled out a little over the last year or two. However, it’s currently making a comeback stronger than ever with over 17 million players in 2022 so far. Minecraft has two different modes: creative and survival. You can create buildings, find food and do so much more to completely construct the world that you want to live in. Survival mode is exactly as it sounds, with your one goal being to survive.
You can play online with your friends, and look at the smp minecraft server or one of the many other servers available.
Fortnite is another extremely popular game. You can play on your own in solo mode against 99 other people, or you can play with your friends, or even randoms. If you’re on your own but you want to play as part of a team, you can join the matchmaking queue and be put with a team of other people. Talk to them on game chat to communicate the whereabouts of other players, and other vital information that you are going to need to win the game.
Fortnite introduced a ‘no build’ option for the players who aren’t a fan of building a few updates ago, drawing more people in. The game also has a variety of different types of play including ‘creative’ and ‘arena’.
League of Legends
This team based game has been around since 2009, and still has a lot of players interested. As the two before it on this list, League is free to play with the option to make purchases later on in the game for certain things. Essentially, two teams face off against each other to try and destroy the other’s base for victory. This is an extremely simple and watered down description of what the game actually is at its very core. It’s a strategy driven game and is great for those people who like to think carefully about what they’re doing rather than just randomly shooting the next person you see.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see four of the most popular games for people to play on various consoles right now. If you’re looking for something new to play, then we recommend one of these awesome games above. As you can see, each of them are pretty different so you’ve got quite a varied selection to choose from!