The Vow of The Disciple raid was a brand new raid that was included along with the Witch Queen expansion in Destiny 2. Raids have always been one of the toughest end-game activities, irrespective of the expansion.
While the Last Wish raid will always occupy the top spot in terms of difficulty, Vow of the Disciple comes in a close second. Truth be told, the raid happens to offer some of the best weapons that you will come across in Destiny 2.
Moreover, the lore behind this entire raid is absolutely beautiful. It revolves around Rhulk, one of the Disciples of The Witness. It’s believed that Rhulk was immensely powerful and the only reason the Guardians were able to defeat him is that he never took the fight seriously. It’s somewhat hard to believe that the individual who was capable of defeating a Worm God (Lubrae) fell at the hands of six Guardians.
That said, here’s a quick list of all the rewards that you can earn from each of the encounters in the raid.
Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Encounter Specific Loot Table
There are a total of five encounters that you will come across in the Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple raid. However, the very first encounter does not drop any specific loot. The raid-specific loot starts dropping from the second encounter which is also knowns as the Acquisition encounter. That said, here are the rewards for each of the encounters:
- Weapons:
- Submission – Kinetic SMG
- Deliverance – Stasis Fusion Rifle
- Cataclysmic – Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
- Armor:
- Resonant Fury Helmet
- Resonant Fury Chest Piece
- Resonant Fury Leg Armor
The Caretaker
- Weapons:
- Submission – Kinetic SMG
- Insidious – Arc Pulse Rifle
- Cataclysmic – Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
- Forbearance – Arc Grenade Launcher
- Armor:
- Resonant Fury Helmet
- Resonant Fury Arms Armor
- Resonant Fury Class Item
The Upended
- Weapons:
- Submission – Kinetic SMG
- Deliverance – Stasis Fusion Rifle
- Armor:
- Resonant Fury Chest Piece
- Resonant Fury Leg Armor
- Weapons:
- Collective Obligation – Exotic Void Pulse Rifle
- Lubrae’s Ruin – Solar Glaive
- Insidious – Arc Pulse Rifle
- Forbearance – Arc Grenade Launcher
- Armor:
- Resonant Fury Helmet
- Resonant Fury Arms Armor
- Resonant Fury Class Item
That concludes the list of weapons and armor that drops from the Vow of the Disciple raid. The Collective Obligation is an amazing Pulse Rifle that will work wonders if you pair it up with the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk in Destiny 2. The best part about this raid is the fact that each and every weapon, barring the Exotic, is craftable! Here are some Titan builds that you can try out in this raid itself.
Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia.
– This article was updated on November 29th, 2022